2nd Order Type Parallel Reactions Case I
2nd Order Type Parallel Reactions Case I |
Second order type parallel reactions case I refers to those reaction in which concentration of both reactants are same. Consider
A + B ⇄ P1 + P2
At time t=0 a + a 0 0
At time t a-x a-x x x
Rate of formation of P1 is R1 ∝ [A] [B] R1 = k1 (a-x) (a-x)
R1 = k1 (a-x)2 eq.17.1
Rate of formation of P2 is R2 ∝ [A] [B] R2 = k2 (a-x) (a-x)
R2 = k2 (a-x)2 eq.17.2
Net rate will be the sum of both reactions.
Integrating the above equation,
To find the value of z, consider that x=0 and t=0 and put in eq.17.4.
z = 1/aPutting this value of z in eq.17.4 we got,